



作为一个拥有 丰富多彩的夜生活休斯顿为居民和游客提供了各种各样的探索选择. 那些喜欢手工鸡尾酒、葡萄酒或啤酒的人有很多令人兴奋的选择.

Some of these bars offer a little more than a crafty drink. 从一个在时尚的中城社区拥有异想天开设计的酒吧到一个啤酒厂,在充满活力的EaDo拥有广阔的户外空间, Houston venues are providing truly unique experiences. 

We highlighted six bars that are transforming Houston’s nightlife. 

Photo courtesy of 第八奇迹啤酒厂's 脸谱网 page

第八奇迹啤酒厂 & 酒厂
Located just a few blocks away from BBVA Stadium.第八奇迹是h镇的瑰宝. Co-founded by Ryan Soroka and Aaron Corsi in 2013, the brewery has since developed a reputation of Houston-love, 饮料, 多样性和乐趣. With an elaborate calendar of events and special dates, the brewery hosts people of all backgrounds, offering a variety of 饮料 at their expansive venue. 这家啤酒厂的名字是为了纪念曾经被称为“世界第八大奇迹”的阿斯特罗dome.

“We love to pay tribute to the city," said Soroka. “休斯顿是我的家。."

Photo courtesy of Cidercade休斯顿's 脸谱网 page

Since the cashless bar’s arrival to Houston’s Second Ward in January of 2021, 它已成为年轻人和家庭寻求日间乐趣的热点. The Dallas-based bar offers over 275 arcade games and 48 taps to pick from. Whether you wish to try their popular ciders, revisit a childhood game or explore a new hobby, Cidercade休斯顿 is an ideal choice for a summer night out.

“We break the monotony of the bar and club scene,“亨特·艾奇伯格, 市场总监, 告诉合伙人. “Hga010皇冠软件下载是与朋友或家人一起度过一个有趣、安全、难忘的夜晚的理想场所.”

Photo courtesy of 想知道酒吧's 脸谱网 page

Visitors of this Midtown bar can find a statue of David, 爱国球坑, 在想知道酒吧,一名宇航员和一扇“秘密”门,后面是一幅蒙娜丽莎抱着所谓的“婴儿尤达”的画, 一种美学上异想天开的体验. 场地结合了经典的饮料和音乐设置与不寻常的展品,激发好奇心和惊奇. One of the bar’s latest offerings is serving 饮料 in ice-sculptured cups, making this an ideal place to stop by in hot Houston summers.

Photo courtesy of 休斯顿庄园's 脸谱网 page

位于休斯顿著名的同性恋酒吧, EJ的, 曾经站在蒙特罗斯, La Grange boasts an appealing atmosp在这里 for any crowd. While respecting the history of the 100-year-old building, the bar has added a patio that offers a two-story space for events, 现场音乐, DJ, 以及一个二级户外酒吧. 酒吧提供龙舌兰酒和梅斯卡尔特产,让游客回来.

“这就是待客之道,”农庄经理克里斯·库萨克告诉《皇冠HGA010官方下载》. "It is an easy place to be…not just for one crowd.” 

Photo courtesy of 白犀牛's 脸谱网 page


That's how co-owner Bobby de la Rosa describes the atmosp在这里 of 白犀牛, alluding to the building’s hi-tech European paint that purifies the air. 命名是为了纪念被归类为“近危”动物的同名动物,这家环保酒吧利用内部的粉碎机器回收玻璃瓶,将其变成沙子,铺在露台上. 东区的绿色酒吧为年轻的专业人士提供了大量的饮料选择. 

Photo courtesy of Lei低's 脸谱网 page

这家位于休斯顿高地附近的朗姆酒和提基酒吧于2014年2月推出了“提基活动”. 鸡尾酒和夏威夷曲调确保顾客沉浸在一个真正独特的氛围.

“休斯顿人对鸡尾酒有一种特殊的口味,Hga010皇冠软件下载想让Hga010皇冠软件下载的产品适应德克萨斯州东南部的口味,合伙人拉塞尔·西奥德告诉记者 食者休斯顿

While the local nightlife options continue increasing, 有些地方建立了一个踏脚石,可以实现和传达作为喝酒和社交的场所. 

Learn more about our restaurant and nightlife 在这里



Exploring Houston: A Guide to the Eclectic Montrose Neighborhood

距离市中心仅几分钟路程, 休斯顿的蒙特罗斯社区以其历史魅力和不拘一格的精神脱颖而出. 从其独特的艺术画廊和充满活力的壁画到其多样化的餐饮场景和复古商店, 蒙特罗斯为每个人提供了一些东西. Here’s your guide to exploring this one-of-a-kind neighborhood.   艺术 & Entertainment  单击展开 At the heart of Montrose’s art scene is The Menil Collection, a world-class museum offering free admission to a diverse range of artworks, from ancient and Byzantine artifacts to African, Pacific Islands and modern and contemporary pieces. The museum’s campus spans five buildings, 包括梅尼尔绘画学院, 美国唯一的独立设施.S. dedicated exclusively to modern and contemporary drawings. 校园里还有里士满大厅, 丹·弗莱文装置的所在地, 沉浸式灯光体验.  单击展开 沿着韦斯特海默街或谢泼德街漫步,探索附近充满活力的壁画和街头艺术.   单击展开 这个社区也是Stages的所在地, a three-theater facility that hosts a wide range of performances, 从喜剧到音乐剧. 现场音乐爱好者可以在安德森集市观看原声布景和民间表演, 自1970年以来,这是一个亲密而历史悠久的场所,一直在展示创作歌手, including Texas Country legend Robert Earl Keen. 为了更古怪的体验, AvantGarden, 一个露台酒吧和休息室, 提供当地乐队的组合, 诗歌朗诵, art classes and more in a laid-back setting.    餐厅 & Shops  蒙特罗斯是美食爱好者的天堂, serving up unique dishes that are as diverse as the neighborhood itself. 像雨果这样的老店, 以正宗的墨西哥菜而闻名, 坑室, 一个烧烤的好去处和Uchi, 创新的日本餐厅, founded by James Beard award-winning chef Tyson Cole, 提供难忘的用餐体验.  单击展开 与此同时, exciting new spots like The Marigold Club, 受法国启发的概念, Okto, 一家地中海餐厅和泰国尾餐厅, a fast-casual eatery offering a unique blend of 泰国 and American dishes, are gaining popularity in the neighborhood.  单击展开 Shoppers can indulge at the Montrose Collective, a new mixed-use center featuring trendy dining spots like Sophie’s Cocktail & Terrace Bar and Marmo. The Collective is also home to stylish storefronts such as Mejuri, 高级珠宝精品店, 和改革, 受欢迎的服装零售商. 为了健康和美丽, the center offers top-tier facilities like Hi, 皮肤。, 奢华的面部水疗, 和Solidcore, 一个尖端的普拉提工作室.  单击展开 The neighborhood is also a haven for vintage lovers, offering a variety of thrift and vintage shops like Pavement, 豹休息室, 公会商店和Out of The Closet, w在这里 you can discover quirky finds and hidden treasures. If you’re in search of local art and handmade goods, 空间蒙特罗斯提供了广泛的选择来自休斯顿的艺术家和制造商的产品. 对于书籍爱好者来说,篮子书 & 艺术 is a true literary gem, 在当代艺术画廊旁边提供精心策划的书籍选择. The independent bookstore also hosts community events, 包括读书会, author meet-and-greets and 诗歌朗诵.  公园 & Green Spaces  单击展开 蒙特罗斯提供了众多的公园和绿色空间,从城市的喧嚣撤退. 在Menil Collection校园, 你会找到梅尼尔公园, 提供30英亩宁静的绿色空间,独特的雕塑和树荫的风景如画. 如果你是一个爱狗人士, 前往艾文洲公园, 哪里有宽敞的狗狗游乐区、儿童游乐场和水花垫, making it a fun spot for the entire family.  Mandell Park is another beloved local gem, 郁郁葱葱的花园, 散步小径和阴凉的地方非常适合野餐或安静的下午看书. 公园还举办社区活动,如教学花园和现场音乐之夜. Other neighborhood favorites include Cherryhurst Park and Shiffick Park.  了解更多关于在休斯顿生活的信息. 

Houston Restaurant Weeks Returns with Exciting Newcomers

Houston Restaurant Weeks is back for its 21st year. The annual fundraiser, which runs through Sept. 30, 让美食爱好者有机会探索休斯顿多样化的烹饪场景,同时为一项有价值的事业做出贡献. With more than 400 participating restaurants, 今年的活动保证了一系列令人兴奋的新用餐体验,你一定不想错过. Here are our top five picks of this year’s newcomers:  《皇冠HGA010官方下载》|春天  去年年底,在疫情打乱了2020年的首演后,《皇冠HGA010官方下载》重新开放. 厨师托马斯·比尔展示了一个充满活力的选择墨西哥风味的菜肴休斯顿餐厅周与三道菜的晚餐. 用餐开始时,您可以选择金枪鱼烤肉饼、楔形沙拉或烤桃子和布拉塔面包. 对于主菜, 选项包括墨西哥玉米饼, 猪五花肉玉米卷或牛肉玉米卷, with the choice of grilled shrimp or roasted chicken to complete the meal.  单击展开 《皇冠HGA010官方下载》| The Heights  This eatery, which opened in May, blends European and Texan flavors. 对于休斯顿餐厅周,蓝色大号将提供早午餐和晚餐菜单. 早午餐的特色是德国式拼盘,炖牛肉,苹果培育法国吐司和匈牙利可丽饼. 晚餐,开胃菜包括斯洛伐克通心粉 & cheese and 波兰的 tacos, while main course options feature pork schnitzel and chicken paprikash. Dessert choices include crème brûlée and tiramisu.  单击展开 Le Jardinier |市中心  位于美术博物馆内,休斯顿,勒贾迪尼提供了一个法式风味的美食. Created by Michelin-starred Chef Alain Verzeroli, Le Jardinier offers an extensive Houston Restaurant Weeks menu, 有早午餐的选择, 午餐和晚餐. The highlight of the menu is the three-course dinner, 其中包括搅打过的布拉塔奶酪, 玉米丝绒配虾, 烤红椒烩饭, 三文鱼草莓慕斯.  单击展开 MaKiin | Upper Kirby/River Oaks  Created by the team behind the beloved Kin Dee 泰国 restaurant, MaKiin debuted at the Hanover River Oaks last year. 休斯顿餐厅周,MaKiin提供了一个美味的三道菜的晚餐. 开胃菜包括三种咖喱、考唐那唐和夏季沙拉. 对于主菜, 食客可以选择猪排骨, 三文鱼配上浓郁的咖喱, 咖喱菠萝蜜或菲力牛排. 甜点包括独特的美味,如蝴蝶豌豆花椰子冰淇淋和芒果糯米.  单击展开 Norigami |美国西部大学   Opened last year by the team behind Hidden Omakase and Sushi by Hidden, Norigami擅长手卷寿司. 休斯顿餐厅周, Norigami提供三道菜的晚餐,第一道菜是蒸的, 大蒜或辣毛豆. This is followed by a selection of crudos—madai, salmon or hamachi. 这顿饭的最后一道菜是手卷:辣三文鱼、蓝鳍金枪鱼或辣扇贝.  了解更多关于在休斯顿生活的信息. 




大休斯顿合作组织邀请您参加周二的机场协会, 12月5日, Jim Szczesniak, 航空处长, outlines the next history-making chapter for Houston 机场.  Szczesniak……
